Project 2: Analysis of a DH Project


Project 2

Analysis of a Project | DHM280 Spr2024 @randallcream 

Schedule a meeting for f2f on campus or remote via Zoom

This writing project asks you to review a digital project that represents best practices in the field of DH.  Build your growing understanding of work in DH by analyzing and reviewing a digital project in Digital Humanities.  Your analysis will examine a project to identify its goals, its data, its tools, the methods used, its values, and its results. The end result of your review of a project is to evaluate the project as reflecting best practices in the field of DH. You will produce a website/page, a slideshow, and a short half-page report.  

This project is best undertaken by a team of 4-5, although larger teams may be able to succeed and smaller teams are permitted.  Due 4/9 presented in class.

Required Content Elements

Your webpage should consist of 11 sections

  • (1) Clearly identify the context and goal for this thing, Project 2, that you are doing 
  • (2) Introduce and Overview Selected Project
    • Summary overview of project
    • Project details: Who, where, when, what
    • Detailed description & analysis of project
  • (3) Data in this project:
    • input data and sources (WHAT the data is and WHERE it is from)
      • What does the project start with?
    • output data and formats
      • What’s the end result? 
    • Connection to DH Best Practices: Documentation 
  • (4) Goals for the project (what it aims to achieve)
    • What, specifically, are they trying to accomplish?
    • Include audience for each goal 
    • Link these goals to DH goals for evaluation purposes
    • Assess Documentation through this section
  • (5) Technologies/Tools used in project
    • Summary overview of tools used (2-4)
    • Detailed description of one tool used and significance
    • Assess Documentation through this section
  • (6) Methods used in project
    • Overview of steps taken with data and tools between input and results
    • Detailed description and analysis of critical step(s)
    • Assess Documentation through this section
  • (7) Research Values from project that align with DH values
    • 2 required 
    • Description of each value and how it affects project
  • (8) Scholarship from project or that reflects project
  • (9) Project results (if complete), or anticipated results 
  • (10) Evaluation of project
  • (11) team 


Project 2 is due at classtime 4/9. Here are the dates and deadlines for the project’s process elements:

3/5 Project Assignment released. 

3/7 Discussion of assignment in class

Final assignment Project 2 released

3/19 Invention due in shared drive (Team Name & members, Project) 

319-3/22 Conferences 1: Planning

3/22 Teams closed to new members

3/26 Draft 1 due sections 2,3,4,5,6 by classtime

3/26 Peer Review 1: draft feedback in class

3/26-27 Initial Team Assessment due

3/25-29 Conferences 2 draft review 

4/2 Draft 2 due (full draft) by classtime

4/2 Peer review 2: draft feedback in class

4/1-5 Conferences 3

4/9 Project 2 Due

4/9 presentation of slideshow in class

4/9-10 Team Assessment due

Finding an appropriate project: 

Digital Publishing

Digital Archives

Digital Companions

Social Media

Text Analysis

Text Mining

Large Scale Visualization



  1. Six Degrees of Francis Bacon (
  2. Linked Jazz (




Listening to Puerto Rico


You may work on the same team as project 1 or form a new team. I can help you find a new/different team if you’d like. Students may choose to work alone on Project 2.  


Your project will be graded according to (a) qualitative content (50%); (b) collaboration (20%); (c) slides and report (10%); and (d) your engagement in the process (20%).  A team will share a grade on each component.